Sunday, January 15, 2023

Baked Nian Gao / Sticky Rice Cake

* It's my most popular recipe, with over 4000 views on YouTube *

Nian gao (年糕) is a traditional Chinese dish commonly consumed during the Lunar New Year celebrations and other festivals. It is also known as "Chinese New Year cake" or "year cake." The name "nian gao" is a homophone for "higher year" or "advancing year," symbolizing progress, growth, and prosperity in the coming year.
Nian gao is made primarily from glutinous rice flour, sugar, and water. The mixture is steamed until it becomes sticky and gelatinous. It can be eaten as is, sliced and pan-fried, or added to other dishes for flavor and texture. Nian gao is often sweet, but there are savory variations as well.

Baked nian gao is a delicious variation of the traditional Chinese New Year cake. While nian gao is traditionally steamed, baking it can provide a different texture and flavor profile. 
Baked nian gao can be enjoyed warm or at room temperature. It makes a delightful dessert or snack, perfect for celebrating the Lunar New Year or any special occasion.

Also check out my recipe for Steamed Nian Gao

140g glutinous rice flour
80g brown sugar
200g milk
50g oil
2 eggs
4g baking powder
40g chopped walnuts (for topping)

1. In a mixing bowl, combine glutinous rice powder, oil, eggs, dark brown sugar, and warm milk.
2. Thoroughly mix until all ingredients are well incorporated.
3. Line a rectangular or square baking tin with parchment paper.
4. Pour the prepared mixture into the lined baking tin.
5. Sprinkle a generous amount of chopped walnuts evenly over the top of the mixture in the tin. The walnuts will add a delightful crunch and flavor to the cake.
6. Place the baking tin in the preheated oven [180°C (356°F)] and bake the sticky rice cake for approximately 45 minutes or until it is fully set.
7. Once the cake is done baking, remove it from the oven and allow it to cool.
8. Freshly baked cake is nicely gooey. I don't recommend keeping it for more than 3 days, as the cake will harden more once refrigerated.

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